Reid Accounting Limited

Following his A-levels, Adam Reid spent three years at the University of Birmingham where he gained his Bachelor of Science honours degree in Accounting & Finance. After this he decided to try to put his degree to use and started working at an accountancy practice in Coleshill. This is where he learnt the majority of his accounting and taxation practical knowledge alongside being able to study towards his professional qualifications, ultimately leading to becoming a fully qualified Certified Chartered Accountant in November 2010.
The following year he moved away from practice into industry to work for a group of companies as Group Accountant. He fulfilled this role for two and a half years before moving into a split role between working as Group Accountant and as a Finance Consultant in schools and academies for one of the group companies. Six months later he moved over full-time to being a Finance Consultant operating almost entirely in academies and this was his role for a further year and a half before deciding to leave the company.
That brings us on to Reid Accounting Limited, which was formed on the basis of all the good feedback that was given by all the clients he had worked for. The focus is mainly on providing cost-effective, accurate financial support for academies/multi academy trusts, but with his accounting background he is still keen to develop a diverse client base.
As of March 2016 he became a Fellow of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants and so clients can be safe in the knowledge that they will be provided with a professional service from a qualified and experienced accountant.